New Look !! New You !!

New Look !!! New You !!!

Every year we make New Year’s Resolutions for our weight loss goals. Many of us start with great intentions but never accomplish our goals. Let us help you.

I encourage you to make a vision board. A vision board will help with the power of visualization. Set your weight loss goals for a desired weight.

When you accomplish your first weight loss achievement, celebrate with a non-scale victory.

There are a few tools that can be used as well on your weight loss journey.

Learn to meal prep as part of your daily routine. Prepping your meals will help you stay focused and minimize your chances of cheating. We must plan to be successful.

Try adding in exercises. I would suggest starting with twenty or thirty minutes of walking. Walking will reduce strenuous activity which may affect the scale.

Use an App to stay on track. Apps will help us track our daily calories. Consuming the correct calories will provide the body proper nourishment as we see our numbers on the scale decrease.

Water is also very important. Drink one half your body weight in ounces of water. Water aides in weight loss by boosting your metabolism and helping your body burn fat.

Now that you have a plan of action , please come and join us in our Facebook support group for more great weight loss tips.. You will not be disappointed.

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